Bacpac provides tremendous power and flexibility when duplicating OpenVMS disks from one system to another. Qualifiers allow you to specify how to handle situations such as:Mount the target disk if it is not mountedDismount the target disk if it is already mountedLeave the target disk mounted after the duplication completesGive the target disk a different volume name Keep a saveset backup in addition to creating a duplicate diskFollowing are examples of duplicating disks using BacPac:Duplicate a local disk on node alpha to a remote target disk on node bravo, but only if the target disk is not mounted. Leave the target disk unmounted after the duplication is complete:Duplicate a local disk on node alpha to a remote target disk on node bravo. Dismount the target disk if it is mounted. Leave the target disk unmounted after the duplication is complete:Duplicate a local disk on node alpha to a remote target disk on node bravo. Dismount the target disk if it is mounted. Leave the target disk mounted cluster wide after the duplication is complete: Duplicate a local disk on node alpha to a remote target disk on node bravo. Dismount the target disk if it is mounted. Leave the target disk mounted cluster wide after the duplication is complete. Give the target disk a different volume name:. Duplicate a remote disk on node bravo to a local target disk on node alpha. Dismount the target disk if it is mounted. Leave the target disk mounted cluster wide after the duplication is complete. Give the target disk a different volume name: